she/her +18 latina lesbian infj-t pisces
hi, i’m tanyヾ(^ - ^ *) . i use she/her pronouns. i’m polyglot (eng/esp/fr/한/cat) and +18 years old , lesbian. i'm an pre-university student majorizing in medicine (psychiatry), so probably i will be a little bit inactive sometimes because of that (-_-;) · · ·
byf - i tweet mainly eng/esp. i’m selective fb. i’m johnny SOLO stan & ONLY weishennie. i'm mainly kuanggong but also a johnkun enjoyer. i do not care about nct. i’m a only weishennie + johfam. ͏ ͏ ͏ dnf - you hate johnny or wayv (or any member), you follow or support sasaengs.
ult groups - wayv, red velvet, (g)i-dle, bonbon girls 303
ult of ults - xiaojun, johnny, irene, lu keran, liu xiening
ult biases - kun, yuqi, yanan
regulars - the9, got7, uniq
regular biases - esther yu, sungjoo, jayb
ult of ults - xiaojun, johnny, irene, lu keran, liu xiening
ult biases - kun, yuqi, yanan
regulars - the9, got7, uniq
regular biases - esther yu, sungjoo, jayb